San Francisco Blue Greenway
blue greenway
Pattern Scale: City
Description of the Pattern:
An interconnected network of revitalized public open spaces, parks and trails along coastline.
The San Francisco Bay Trail dates back to the late 1980’s put forth a bold vision of a 500-mile long continuous trail that would encircle the San Francisco Bay. It would provide unusual visual access to the Bay shoreline and serve to connect more than 130 parks. Much of it--some 340 miles--has already been completed, and eventually it will cross 47 municipalities and 9 counties. It is an impressive biophilic vision and impressive accomplishment in completing so much of it already. One segment of the Bay Area Trail that runs through the City will correspond to what City refers to as the Blue Greenway, itself an interesting idea. The Blue Greenway consists of the 13-mile corridor, running along the city’s eastern waterfront. The idea is in part to use the greenway as a catalyst for cleaning up contaminated sites and for bolstering the working waterfront in these areas. The Blue Greenway is a multi-agency effort to create an interconnected system of trails and parks on San Francisco’s southeast waterfront. Once complete, it will transform this neglected resource into a premier series of public open spaces.
More Information:
Discover the Blue Greenway
San Francisco Parks Alliance
Who Submitted this Pattern: Kevin Kask, Biophilic Cities